I'm really loving these round tables. This is one of the best ideas you've had to date. I listen to them during my choirs and they are extremely informative. We all love Thomas

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Thank you for this feedback and I am so glad you like it. Stormy has to get a lot of credit, we cooled the idea up together and he brought J who brought Thomas. I was originally gonna be me SW and PQ.

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Dude…. Also a BIG THANKS for what you put in the show notes. That just makes things easier to go back and re-listen… 😁

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Two hours + on paid. 😐😩

I guess there goes another subscription. 🤣

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Just got around to watching the Joe Rogan/Marc Andreessen interview. I’ve heard Andreessen’s name thrown around here and there but never looked into him until now. Good episode. A lot of truth bombs for a generally “normie” platform.


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I am one of those people who grew up on fox news and Jonah Goldberg. Pre covid I would have thought you all were off the deep end. Post covid I can’t believe how much sense you all make. I guess when the student is ready the teacher will appear.

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Completely unvaccinated.

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I’m afraid to ask, but did you get the vaxx?

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Globalism economically butchered Latin America in the same way it destroyed the US rust belt. It created so much surplus labor that the Neoliberal order imported Latins wholesale into the US to suppress domestic wage growth, artificially bump up GDP, and force out blacks from the inner cities. The same people who lectured whites about slavery, imported a slave cast of their very own. (Cont)

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I think it’ll take a while for people to understand that these proxy warriors (blacks, feminists, etc) are just that, proxy warriors. They too were indoctrinated into the same camps that everyone here attended. Blacks were force fed black nationalism in order to keep “the whites” in check. They were rewarded with drug addiction, single mothers, and cascading demographic collapse. In school (both public and private) girls are aggressively pressured to become men. (Feminism being transgenderism 1.0, there’s nothing feminine about feminism.) They are forced to adopt “Rosie the Riveter” attitudes for the sake of GDP and sustain Euro-Dollar inflation. They are rewarded with chronic Depression, loneliness, and barren wombs. They’ll never experience a happy wiggling baby smiling in their arms. (Cont)

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Also pawns in the Cold War propaganda struggle and the creation of third worldism. Focus and the true enemies and make friends with those who are open to it

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I think the "woman question" (lol) is 95% jealousy, as you say. The internet allows you to be everywhere, in everyone elses business, without the object of attention any the wiser.

And these wireheads take their ability, to be wherever they want on the internet uncontested to mean that its their territory—100x worse of a pest than the intellectuals that flatter themselves as experts on all ideas because the nature of intellectual work involves ideas.

On top of that, hating women is an online status thing, and to show how much you care about history, progeny, and the continuation of your culture, you turn your nose up.

In general, people think they're in a way better position than they are. It can't be understated how much the internet has short-circuited people's brains. It relates to the blindspot the right has to the mystery of "extremist pipeline." They instead flatter themselves that this phenomenon is *just* because their ideas are so obviously correct.

In conclusion, the based right is politically nigger rich rn.

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“Man makes history; woman is history.” — Spengler

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Regarding blacks, I couldn't disagree more. Colin Flaherty made a whole career out of black on White crime, unprovoked. Do we need to pull up the clips of blacks attacking Whites for no reason, from children to elderly? Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, I've been around blacks my entire life, neighborhood, school, sports basketball, college football, you can't paint me as some basement dwelling incel groyper. blacks have an intense hatred for Whites. The only way their victimization of Whites ends is when they are subjugated.

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These streams have been tonic to my soul! This movement (trumpian, right wing, energy) can go off the rails in so many directions (race essentialism, religious dogmatism, q-tard boomerism, etc.), so we need to be slapped back in order now more than ever! I appreciate you all keeping us focused on the true enemies (not all Jews…) and some true goals. The reframing of some us history changes what this project is and what it can be, thank you all and keep the discussion rolling 🫡🙏🏼

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Funny how Stormy mentions that Lindsay, Peterson and co. have a deradicalising effect when they were an important step, especially Lindsay, to where I am now politically.

I still remember excitedly showing my mum a Lindsay lecture and then saying: “See, I told you! The problems today are because leftists did the long march through the institutions… blah blah.” Even both his book cynical theories, though I only read the intro.

Just recently started reading it again and had to stop after three pages because the liberal sloppiness was too much. Interesting to see the political shift that happened.

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Not sure it’s this episode but somewhere we talk about how important it is to acknowledge the radicalization pipeline. Guys like us need to be here for guys like you when you go beyond Lindsay, he is meant to keep up on the proverbial reservation

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Yeah I think it was a bit afterwards in this episode. As for the pipeline, I totally agree. It’s easier to take many small steps, than one big step. Moderate voices should only be allowed to the level that they can shift public perception in the correct direction.

Plumbers over park rangers.

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"Who is we. You and the frog in your pocket?"

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Song at the end of the episode?

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Mastodon “shadows that move”

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many thanks — thought it had Mastodon vibes but the show ended right when i was walking into work and couldn’t look it up

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Is it too late to rescue this red heifer? Might be a good time to call in the PETA commandos.

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If Stormy is correct that a cascading sovereign debt collapse is happening within the next six months it means (amongst other things) this post-1960s political alignment is coming to a close. Depending how things shake out this system of perpetual domestic conflict could simply implode.

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