I think you need to explore the Imperium and its structure. The nature of the technology at the disposal of The Regime has them perhaps constructing an empire that does not fit prior civilizations that could not create what modern technology enables.
Let's look at an example. Mass population replacement. How does this work and why? Well we can look at Mayorkas and German news stories to put the picture together. When facing criticism, however tepid, Mayorkas smirked and said that the foreign remittances were critical to keeping happy international partners. At first glance, this makes one think that this is a means for the Empire to bribe foreign governments. Recently Germany announced importing 100,000 Kenyan bus drivers. In touting the benefits a minister stated that the remittances would help Kenya pay off its sovereign debts.
Now we get a fuller picture. The Kenyans come in pay taxes to Germany though they are net drains as any government worker is a net consumer. However, the banks make huge fees on the remittances sent to Kenya. Then, the banks, rather than foreclosing on Kenyan debt, get Kenya to keep payments coming as they tax the remittances directly and via consumption as that money sloshes around Kenya's economy.
So you see, this is creating a global colony designed to keep debt payments paid up. Recently Walmart announced opening up major distribution centers in central America. This too, is funded by mass population replacement and remittances sent from SouthAmerIndian helots back into central America. So, Walmart has American dispossession funding expansion into Central America. I am sure Home Depot and other corporations are doing the same.
This is an entirely different kind of empire and an entirely different kind of of conquest. It isn't martial like previous empires. I think that any analysis has to take into account the radically different nature of this imperial apparatus and how it works.
Ultimately, can this empire keep Occidental man affluent enough as he is dispossessed so that a larger and newer class of consumers can arise off of the back of his dispossession. Will the cultural genocide underway to invite in the new consumers agitate Occidental Man as he sees his dispossession and erasure on every billboard, screen, book, city square, museum, heritage site ... ... ?
And if he does get very uncomfortable, how in this new structure might a Caesar arise and do so effectively? What tie does he have to become a Caesar rather than capitulate and plug himself into the bug hive? Caesar and his men had every incentive and they had an extremely strong network and deep seated trust and sense of brotherhood developed in war. How is that possible today even as Occidental Man begins to stir and understand his predicament?
Early indications are that Musk, Andreesen, Dimon ... ... are on top of the international system and have every incentive to perpetuate it, not to interrupt it and limit the beneficiaries of the Empire to Americans. Its expansion is dependent upon lessening benefits to Americans. Our destruction is to the good of The Empire. The nation state is dissolved of its key ingredient, the nation. All identity is dissolved, and the corporate brand is the new banner to rally around, and the megalomaniac CEO is the new hero as he goes to the Ted Talk arena to dispense with pedestrian banalities and cliches. Martial endeavor is replaced with religious fervor expressed by consuming. By this Red wristband made by slave labor in Africa to help end poverty in Africa.
As for culture. It is no longer produced by and for Occidental Man. So, there is that to contend with as well. Sorry for the ramble. Great series of articles and thought provoking. Structure is important. Perhaps bring in Evola and the end of RAMW for his prediction for the dissolution of The West.
Regarding the remittances, it sounds like a post-hoc excuse, but in theory it’s sound and is a form of empire. Terrible ploy tho.
Regarding musk et al, you’ve hit exactly on my misgiving and that is exactly what I want to address in future essays. The way you’ve described it is how they will probably operate, which is not good, but if it’s going to happen it’s going to happen. This is exactly how Spengler describes the way later Caesars operate anyway, it’s a part of the imperial era and why he says the whole thing is ossified
Evola is a fantastic idea, I want gonna discuss him but I’ll take a look at that. I’ve read that book, what chapter do you mean exactly? It’s way too detailed to get into the book in depth I won’t be able to re read it
I should say cultural decline has gone on for centuries: remember, the problems that the Gracchi faced preceded them, and can be traced back to the founding of the Roman Republic, since kings ARE the community and thus they NEED to protect it as they are responsible for all of it (like a micromanager), and they are DEPENDENT on it (unlike a micromanager).
Thus the problems can be traced back to 1563, almost exactly the same time I have traced the decline of Spanish silver (the world currency until the 1900s). Tarquin Superbus is Philip II of Spain, and the Tarquinian dynasty is the House of Castile: the founding of Rome is 1319 in the reign of Louis X of France, who helped manumission for serfs and allowed the Jews to return after his father's (Philip the Fair's), pogrom on Friday 13th (he controlled the Avignon Papacy like his father and later French kings).
Various aspects of cultural decline in my opinion can be traced back to the Late Middle Ages or the Renaissance: I have never had nostalgia for the past, for one could die of being worked to death in the Victorian period, infection in the High Middle Ages, and exposure in the Mesolithic. People called Greece and Rome "the Age of Darkness" and Christianity "the age of Light," the Renaissance being a 19th century term (with the belief in the Enlightenment only being held by French classical liberal philosophes, and in the gothicism of the Age of Reason being held by Dantonistes like Thomas Paine, by Robespierristes, and presumably by Hebertistes: the Marquis de Sade?).
The conflict between the Ancients and Moderns was talked about, but "Moderns" seemingly referred to the future brought on by technology (seen in "Gulliver's Travels").
The Bible talks about periods of degeneracy which were ended by God: the Hebrews would NOT agree with the nostalgia for the 1950s, the Victorian period, the Gothic period - the Age of Reason from the French Revolution to 1830 when the Romantic Period began - or the Enlightenment.
It was clear that "the Age of Light" was coming to an end: the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance was home to the Peasants' Wars which evolved into the Protestant Reformation, the wars being motivated by the harsh taxes of the nobility and the church, as well as church degeneracy. Folk Catholicism began taking witchcraft seriously and drowned, burnt, or hanged them: the official church said witchcraft did not exist and that Simon Magus and the Witch of Endor were pagan conmen like the priests of Bel.
Church corruption was repeatedly ended by monastic rules being established, and the Waldensians, Hutterites, and Martin Luther, would NOT agree with nostalgia for the Late Middle Ages (since it was believed to be the time of Gog and Magog), or the transition between the High and Late Middle Ages (since it was also the time of Gog and Magog). The end of the world was believed to have been in the Renaissance in the Wars of Religion, which would mean the world technically ended with the end of the Roundhead rebellions against the Restoration in the early 1660s (implying the Glorious Revolution, the Nine Years' War, and the War of the Spanish Succession, were the Last Judgement), and the New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, were the increased settlement in the Americas.
We can thus say Late Antiquity and the Early and High Middle Ages were periods of degeneracy followed by periods of culture (and crime would have been rampant before the High Middle Ages, when state centralization occurred thanks to feudalism).
The United States is NOT the centre of culture, but simply stole African-American culture (whilst most "white" Americans are actually of Native and black ancestry, the point is the dominant culture is Anglo-Norman settler, the Americans pretend they are Anglos, and the Germanic New Money - which could be Anglo-Norman like the Fords or not like the Trumps - culturally appropriated slave culture).
Yes. The remittances as I described them are just a way to extend the time horizon of viability for the ponzi scheme of consumerism. One thing we have to understand is the things we see as terrible they don't have the first concern about.
Pages 320 - 366 of Revolt are what I refer to. He is essentially outlining technocracy and how it had already eaten out the foundations. Those are the easiest reads in that book.
I look forward to more writings from you. If I may, I have a request. Some writings on the world we are building - a vision or set of possible visions. One thing I haven't seen are analysis/critique and then a countervailing and viable vision. Aarvoll does a bit of this in his video missives. That would be fantastic.
Temporary foreign workers are not a net drain, as they provide services which middle class jobs need, like transportation for taxpayers and tourists. Crime is reduced because people are safe in taxis, and thus the economy propers. I also see you were snarking about how the "dispossessed" Westerner (including nonwhites, women, and non-heteronormatives, who go through hell every day of their lives, but also middle class white heteronormative men like Dudley Dursley), is actually affluent, pointing out white heteronormative middle class males whine about being persecuted when in fact they have merely lost privilege: these males being the Republican establishment (the neoconservatives), and the Conservative Lions like Marco Rubio (but not Tea Partiers).
The lower middle class and debt-ridden middle class white heteronormative males do have legitimate grievances, since the former fear mass layoffs to save money and the latter experienced it (they did not know they would be debt-ridden, however, since the only way to know is to throw yourself back into the job market: you become debt-ridden if you do not get a job soon). This is particularly the case for seniors: at the church dinner which I volunteer as a helper on Wednesdays, the clientele are the lower middle class, the poor on welfare, lonely seniors, and the debt-ridden middle class (Ukrainian refugees are also there).
However, people who are debt-ridden because they were drunkards I have NO sympathy for, unless they grew up with drunkards. Nor do I have sympathy for people who skipped work to hang out (like my anti-Semitic Hindutva uncle, who does crack and pills).
I also have no sympathy for tokens who whine, like Ben Carson (who said Democrats and progressivists are motivated by racism against him, when in reality it is because he is a rich creationist anti-vaxxer and a Republican token), Ayaan Hirsi Ali (someone who was stupid enough to believe in Islam as a child even though everyone in the world has heard of evolution, but whines about Islam because they cut off her c*nt - just meaning she can't have an orgasm - and because Islam says you should spank children on the bum-bum, even though she WILLINGLY joined the Muslim Brotherhood), Ben Stein (who thinks evolutionists are persecuting him and acts like Christianity isn't proto-Islam), and the murdered Theo van Gogh (whined about Islam even though same-sex marriage was only legalized in the Netherlands in 2002).
Theo van Gogh only gained widespread support because he was murdered, in a case of never speaking ill of the dead, a la Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto.
Identity does not exist: George Carlin said being proud of being Irish is stupid, as it is not an achievement earned through hard work.
Well said, but I disagree on one point: the US is a real empire built on wealth extraction, and has been since WWII, and especially since the 70's. The difference is that it's more subtle than the colonial empires of the past, relying on loans, offloading debt, the petrodollar, sanctions, color revolutions, proxy wars, and other indirect tools of power.
The wealth extraction goes into the pockets of private entities who basically use the tax payer to help get them set up abroad. The only way this ends up as “imperial” is if the corporations are taxed on their profit in some major way, which we know they’re not. At least, not enough, and those taxes have gradually gotten lower over time. So maybe you can make the argument that it was an empire but eventually the private interests overtook the government, especially since NAFTA and the period of globalization in the 90s
The companies invest in the economy by creating jobs and such, and thus the capital goes back into the economy, and is taxed via taxes on the poor and middle class. Also, the United States is not neo-corporatist (unlike South Korea).
I think you need to explore the Imperium and its structure. The nature of the technology at the disposal of The Regime has them perhaps constructing an empire that does not fit prior civilizations that could not create what modern technology enables.
Let's look at an example. Mass population replacement. How does this work and why? Well we can look at Mayorkas and German news stories to put the picture together. When facing criticism, however tepid, Mayorkas smirked and said that the foreign remittances were critical to keeping happy international partners. At first glance, this makes one think that this is a means for the Empire to bribe foreign governments. Recently Germany announced importing 100,000 Kenyan bus drivers. In touting the benefits a minister stated that the remittances would help Kenya pay off its sovereign debts.
Now we get a fuller picture. The Kenyans come in pay taxes to Germany though they are net drains as any government worker is a net consumer. However, the banks make huge fees on the remittances sent to Kenya. Then, the banks, rather than foreclosing on Kenyan debt, get Kenya to keep payments coming as they tax the remittances directly and via consumption as that money sloshes around Kenya's economy.
So you see, this is creating a global colony designed to keep debt payments paid up. Recently Walmart announced opening up major distribution centers in central America. This too, is funded by mass population replacement and remittances sent from SouthAmerIndian helots back into central America. So, Walmart has American dispossession funding expansion into Central America. I am sure Home Depot and other corporations are doing the same.
This is an entirely different kind of empire and an entirely different kind of of conquest. It isn't martial like previous empires. I think that any analysis has to take into account the radically different nature of this imperial apparatus and how it works.
Ultimately, can this empire keep Occidental man affluent enough as he is dispossessed so that a larger and newer class of consumers can arise off of the back of his dispossession. Will the cultural genocide underway to invite in the new consumers agitate Occidental Man as he sees his dispossession and erasure on every billboard, screen, book, city square, museum, heritage site ... ... ?
And if he does get very uncomfortable, how in this new structure might a Caesar arise and do so effectively? What tie does he have to become a Caesar rather than capitulate and plug himself into the bug hive? Caesar and his men had every incentive and they had an extremely strong network and deep seated trust and sense of brotherhood developed in war. How is that possible today even as Occidental Man begins to stir and understand his predicament?
Early indications are that Musk, Andreesen, Dimon ... ... are on top of the international system and have every incentive to perpetuate it, not to interrupt it and limit the beneficiaries of the Empire to Americans. Its expansion is dependent upon lessening benefits to Americans. Our destruction is to the good of The Empire. The nation state is dissolved of its key ingredient, the nation. All identity is dissolved, and the corporate brand is the new banner to rally around, and the megalomaniac CEO is the new hero as he goes to the Ted Talk arena to dispense with pedestrian banalities and cliches. Martial endeavor is replaced with religious fervor expressed by consuming. By this Red wristband made by slave labor in Africa to help end poverty in Africa.
As for culture. It is no longer produced by and for Occidental Man. So, there is that to contend with as well. Sorry for the ramble. Great series of articles and thought provoking. Structure is important. Perhaps bring in Evola and the end of RAMW for his prediction for the dissolution of The West.
Regarding the remittances, it sounds like a post-hoc excuse, but in theory it’s sound and is a form of empire. Terrible ploy tho.
Regarding musk et al, you’ve hit exactly on my misgiving and that is exactly what I want to address in future essays. The way you’ve described it is how they will probably operate, which is not good, but if it’s going to happen it’s going to happen. This is exactly how Spengler describes the way later Caesars operate anyway, it’s a part of the imperial era and why he says the whole thing is ossified
Evola is a fantastic idea, I want gonna discuss him but I’ll take a look at that. I’ve read that book, what chapter do you mean exactly? It’s way too detailed to get into the book in depth I won’t be able to re read it
I should say cultural decline has gone on for centuries: remember, the problems that the Gracchi faced preceded them, and can be traced back to the founding of the Roman Republic, since kings ARE the community and thus they NEED to protect it as they are responsible for all of it (like a micromanager), and they are DEPENDENT on it (unlike a micromanager).
Thus the problems can be traced back to 1563, almost exactly the same time I have traced the decline of Spanish silver (the world currency until the 1900s). Tarquin Superbus is Philip II of Spain, and the Tarquinian dynasty is the House of Castile: the founding of Rome is 1319 in the reign of Louis X of France, who helped manumission for serfs and allowed the Jews to return after his father's (Philip the Fair's), pogrom on Friday 13th (he controlled the Avignon Papacy like his father and later French kings).
Various aspects of cultural decline in my opinion can be traced back to the Late Middle Ages or the Renaissance: I have never had nostalgia for the past, for one could die of being worked to death in the Victorian period, infection in the High Middle Ages, and exposure in the Mesolithic. People called Greece and Rome "the Age of Darkness" and Christianity "the age of Light," the Renaissance being a 19th century term (with the belief in the Enlightenment only being held by French classical liberal philosophes, and in the gothicism of the Age of Reason being held by Dantonistes like Thomas Paine, by Robespierristes, and presumably by Hebertistes: the Marquis de Sade?).
The conflict between the Ancients and Moderns was talked about, but "Moderns" seemingly referred to the future brought on by technology (seen in "Gulliver's Travels").
The Bible talks about periods of degeneracy which were ended by God: the Hebrews would NOT agree with the nostalgia for the 1950s, the Victorian period, the Gothic period - the Age of Reason from the French Revolution to 1830 when the Romantic Period began - or the Enlightenment.
It was clear that "the Age of Light" was coming to an end: the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance was home to the Peasants' Wars which evolved into the Protestant Reformation, the wars being motivated by the harsh taxes of the nobility and the church, as well as church degeneracy. Folk Catholicism began taking witchcraft seriously and drowned, burnt, or hanged them: the official church said witchcraft did not exist and that Simon Magus and the Witch of Endor were pagan conmen like the priests of Bel.
Church corruption was repeatedly ended by monastic rules being established, and the Waldensians, Hutterites, and Martin Luther, would NOT agree with nostalgia for the Late Middle Ages (since it was believed to be the time of Gog and Magog), or the transition between the High and Late Middle Ages (since it was also the time of Gog and Magog). The end of the world was believed to have been in the Renaissance in the Wars of Religion, which would mean the world technically ended with the end of the Roundhead rebellions against the Restoration in the early 1660s (implying the Glorious Revolution, the Nine Years' War, and the War of the Spanish Succession, were the Last Judgement), and the New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, were the increased settlement in the Americas.
We can thus say Late Antiquity and the Early and High Middle Ages were periods of degeneracy followed by periods of culture (and crime would have been rampant before the High Middle Ages, when state centralization occurred thanks to feudalism).
The United States is NOT the centre of culture, but simply stole African-American culture (whilst most "white" Americans are actually of Native and black ancestry, the point is the dominant culture is Anglo-Norman settler, the Americans pretend they are Anglos, and the Germanic New Money - which could be Anglo-Norman like the Fords or not like the Trumps - culturally appropriated slave culture).
Hi Astral. Excellent writing.
Yes. The remittances as I described them are just a way to extend the time horizon of viability for the ponzi scheme of consumerism. One thing we have to understand is the things we see as terrible they don't have the first concern about.
Pages 320 - 366 of Revolt are what I refer to. He is essentially outlining technocracy and how it had already eaten out the foundations. Those are the easiest reads in that book.
I look forward to more writings from you. If I may, I have a request. Some writings on the world we are building - a vision or set of possible visions. One thing I haven't seen are analysis/critique and then a countervailing and viable vision. Aarvoll does a bit of this in his video missives. That would be fantastic.
Temporary foreign workers are not a net drain, as they provide services which middle class jobs need, like transportation for taxpayers and tourists. Crime is reduced because people are safe in taxis, and thus the economy propers. I also see you were snarking about how the "dispossessed" Westerner (including nonwhites, women, and non-heteronormatives, who go through hell every day of their lives, but also middle class white heteronormative men like Dudley Dursley), is actually affluent, pointing out white heteronormative middle class males whine about being persecuted when in fact they have merely lost privilege: these males being the Republican establishment (the neoconservatives), and the Conservative Lions like Marco Rubio (but not Tea Partiers).
The lower middle class and debt-ridden middle class white heteronormative males do have legitimate grievances, since the former fear mass layoffs to save money and the latter experienced it (they did not know they would be debt-ridden, however, since the only way to know is to throw yourself back into the job market: you become debt-ridden if you do not get a job soon). This is particularly the case for seniors: at the church dinner which I volunteer as a helper on Wednesdays, the clientele are the lower middle class, the poor on welfare, lonely seniors, and the debt-ridden middle class (Ukrainian refugees are also there).
However, people who are debt-ridden because they were drunkards I have NO sympathy for, unless they grew up with drunkards. Nor do I have sympathy for people who skipped work to hang out (like my anti-Semitic Hindutva uncle, who does crack and pills).
I also have no sympathy for tokens who whine, like Ben Carson (who said Democrats and progressivists are motivated by racism against him, when in reality it is because he is a rich creationist anti-vaxxer and a Republican token), Ayaan Hirsi Ali (someone who was stupid enough to believe in Islam as a child even though everyone in the world has heard of evolution, but whines about Islam because they cut off her c*nt - just meaning she can't have an orgasm - and because Islam says you should spank children on the bum-bum, even though she WILLINGLY joined the Muslim Brotherhood), Ben Stein (who thinks evolutionists are persecuting him and acts like Christianity isn't proto-Islam), and the murdered Theo van Gogh (whined about Islam even though same-sex marriage was only legalized in the Netherlands in 2002).
Theo van Gogh only gained widespread support because he was murdered, in a case of never speaking ill of the dead, a la Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto.
Identity does not exist: George Carlin said being proud of being Irish is stupid, as it is not an achievement earned through hard work.
This was awesome Astral.
I appreciate that man!
Well said, but I disagree on one point: the US is a real empire built on wealth extraction, and has been since WWII, and especially since the 70's. The difference is that it's more subtle than the colonial empires of the past, relying on loans, offloading debt, the petrodollar, sanctions, color revolutions, proxy wars, and other indirect tools of power.
The wealth extraction goes into the pockets of private entities who basically use the tax payer to help get them set up abroad. The only way this ends up as “imperial” is if the corporations are taxed on their profit in some major way, which we know they’re not. At least, not enough, and those taxes have gradually gotten lower over time. So maybe you can make the argument that it was an empire but eventually the private interests overtook the government, especially since NAFTA and the period of globalization in the 90s
The companies invest in the economy by creating jobs and such, and thus the capital goes back into the economy, and is taxed via taxes on the poor and middle class. Also, the United States is not neo-corporatist (unlike South Korea).
I feel both in the play and in the front row! Great stuff, Sir!
This feels like a big compliment but I don’t get what you mean, but thanks!
Excellent piece, I’ll be reading this properly tonight, good job!
Thank you. Let’s collaborate on Spengler soon
Definitely, will be working on a lot on Spengler this year, will reach out soon!